Men and Masculinities
Studying men and masculinities critically, as in developing Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities, has been one of my main preoccupations over the years. What was very much a minority focus in the 1970s and even the 1980s has now become a fairly well established sub-field within Women’s, Gender and Feminist Studies. I have been genuinely surprised by this development. These critical studies on men and masculinities cover a huge range of topics, social and geographical locations and sites, with different methods, theoretical approaches and debates.
Selected Works
- ‘Reviewing men and masculinities, or mostly boys’ own papers’ (Review article on eight books), Theory, Culture and Society, Vol. 6(4), 1989, pp. 665-689.
- Men in the Public Eye: The Construction and Deconstruction of Public Men and Public Masculinities, Routledge, London, 1992.
- ‘Naming men as men: implications for work, organizations and management’, with David L. Collinson, Gender, Work and Organization, Vol. 1(1), 1994, pp. 2-22. Link
- ‘Researching men and masculinities. Some sociological issues and possibilities’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, Vol. 30 (1), April, 1994, pp. 40-60. Link
- ‘Theorizing men and men’s theorizing: men’s discursive practices in theorizing men’, Theory and Society, Vol. 27(6), 1998, pp. 781-816.
- ‘From masculinities back to men: tracing diverse psychological, social and political threads’, The Psychology of Women Section Review (British Psychological Society), Vol. 8(1), 2006, pp. 38-52. Link
- ‘From hegemonic masculinity to the hegemony of men’, Feminist Theory, Vol. 5(1), 2004, pp. 49-72. Link
- ‘Two challenges for Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities: The hegemony of men, and trans(national)patriarchies’, Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo [Journal of Critique of Science, Imagination and New Anthropology], special issue: ‘First Gender: Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities’, Vol. 45 No. 267, 2017, pp. 23-34. Link
- ‘So what has been, is, and might be going on in studying men and masculinities? Some continuities and discontinuities’, Men and Masculinities, Vol. 22(1), 2019, pp. 53-63. Link
- ‘Boyhood, sport and the mild brutalisation of the body’, Boyhood Studies, Vol. 14(1), 2021, pp. 104-115. Link; Link
- ‘Hollow femininities: The emerging faces of neoliberal masculinities’, with Greg Wolfman and Tray Yeadon-Lee, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, Vol. 16(4), 2021, pp. 217-234. Link
- ‘Men and masculinities: What have they got to do with gender equality and women’s empowerment?’, in Christa Binswanger and Andrea Zimmermann (eds.), Transitioning to Gender Equality (SDG5), Transitioning to Sustainability Series: Volume 5, MDPI, Basel, 2021, pp. 67-83. Link